Sunday, May 2, 2010

Leeping Horses

Today I worked with Comety the Thourbred, heres some pics.Yesterday i volunteered at a Two day eventing competition in Fresno Ram Tap that was taking place to raise money for a girl that a year ago at on of these events was in the warm up arena and her horse slipped and fell and she hit her head and has been in a coma ever since... I volunteered to be a Ring Steward who's job is to check to make sure that they arnt about to go in the dressage arena with a twisted wire bit and a five-foot long dressage whip.

Language Lady
Some horse people have the most interesting language skills and attitudes. I was busy trying to not get stepped on by one of those 1,500 pound warmblood while trying check his bit when one of those trainers with an attitude stomps up to me and says "WHATS THAT GUY WITH THAT STUPID MOP DOING OVER THERE!!!!" she points behind me, and if i sqwint i can see a man with something white under his arm walking about 15 feet away from the dressage area(the something white being a dog). "HE HAS NO BUSINESS BEING OVER THERE,HE TOTALLY RUINED THAT CANTER TRANSITION!!!""ITS YOUR JOB TO GO OVER THERE AND TELL HIM TO GET THE F*** AWAY FROM THERE!!" I do as she asks without the attitude and the language.

The funny thing is that the trainers are always the ones with the problem the attitude never the rider!

Eventers Need to prepare for distracting things to happen while their in the ring.

In my ring alone their where always two people with cameras by the judges box, a crowd of people standing a yard away with greatdanes and sheepdogs.
Then there where the unpredictables like the Dodge truck with the loudest alarm that went off when the TRAIN went by. Then there's the shooting range that's just over the hill. Not to mention the loose horse that canter by every half hour.

If someone walking 15 feet away with a ball of fur ruins your canter transition to bad. It could have been worse.


  1. Congrats on keeping your cool with the trainer! I'm going to post my own "getting yelled at" story pretty soon, and it's hard to stay calm

  2. Yikes! The trainer needs to get a life. maybe if people would just RIDE instead of waiting for everything to be "perfect" their horses wouldn't get diastracted as easily ad they wouldn't have to act like you-know-whats....
