Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Bones and Feathers

You know you have good
pest control when:

A. You get something stuck in you flip flop and it turns out to be the vertebrae of a squirrel.

B. You hop into bed and smell something dead, your cat has left you a gift.

C. As you walk around your yard you see chewed off heads of formerly cute and fluffy animals

D. Your dogs have fat rolls even when your only feeding them half a cup of kibble a day.

E. Bird sightings are few and far between

F. when your small animal grave yard is so full you start offering the remains to the sky dwellers( throw them in a tree where at least your dog can't get them).

G. Your dogs have the "air" of death about them.

H. When your dad goes out to shoot squirrels he can't find any.

I. Your dog has a flock of angry birds following her about.


  1. I must admit I laughed at C. Hehehehehe.

    Hey - were you asking about people sending you pictures so you could sketch them? I posted a picture on my blog that I would really like a pencel or a pen schetch of. It's the first on on the post of my dressage pics where Farley's feet are off the ground. I want just her and me and I want it to be kind of a rough sketch.....does that sound doable? I know it's a funny angle...

  2. Sure,I can do that, oh and A. actully happend to me a couple of day's ago, I was walking around and I felt a sharp object stick into my foot and I reached down and it was a bone!OCH!
