Monday, June 28, 2010

The Third Day of Wild West In All Its Mudd

The morning went well,( dear cousin"me" apologises to Melinda for being rather

brain dead at the time ). Coffee later repaired the problem.

                         Melinda took off ahead of the hustle and bustle.

I  decided to volunteer as a timer as I could not for the life of me remember how to do TPR (temperature,pulse,respiration).

And got a front seat to the endurance horse meets mud puddle show that morning.

It may be hard to see, But between those tree's is a puddle, a very scary puddle whoms murky depths hold many terrors.

Each horse and rider got through (around/over) this puddle in their own unique way.

  • horse refuses(sees a horse eating monster lurking below the surface)rider try's again and again over the next half hour.

  • rider gets off and precedes to lead their reluctant mounts across the mighty depths.

  • rider dismounts and precedes to talk to everyone who will listen that "their just must be a way to get through without going through the terror filled puddle". This rider then trys to lead their horse around the mighty obstacle, only to find that the horse dislikes mud as well and jumps onto rider...

  • horse goes through without a second glance                                                   

  • horse decides not go through puddle and get his feet dirty, instead  he lunges across only to find another puddle ...another hop and half a rider later...

  • rider gives up and decides that today just is not the day to face such a scary puddle.
That was only the first of many puddles that morning.
The watering trough  that day

Being a Timer was hectic while interestingly something...

Example: ( a horse is not pulsing down) "hold her ears" rider grips her horses ears, vet shakes head"everyone quiet" two riders approach talking , three timers,vets,me e.t.c "ssssssshhhhhhhhhhh" half a second later, motor cycle ZOOMS up...

Melinda and Farley finished all three days beautifully.


  1. heh heh...I love your "puddle tails"

  2. Ha you should have seen the looks on some of those horses when their riders asked them to go across that puddle.
