Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sir Loin

For some this name might summon up a image of a gallant Knight whose soul purpose in life is to save many a helpless damsel in distress.
However in my case I see with my little eye a......big juicy steak!
You may ask how ,How can this be?
Well My mother you see, she has blessed be ,decided to buy a feeder calf whoms name...yes you guessed it!!! Sir Loin
So Sir Loins true purpose in life remains clear.

So when I peer out to the pasture the image I see of a cute little fat calf is edited out by a big blood dripping steak.
OF course mother had to suggest the idea of me training it and showing it in the fair for FFA.

Like I'd touch that calf with a twenty foot pool and risk a look in those brown eyes of its!!!! Its going to comfortably sit out in the pasture making Friends with our milk cows in till the day my dad shall ,just like in the movies un shackle his gun from the top of the hearth and go do his duty as the bringer of death to Sir Loin.


  1. ha! Hilarious. Stay strong my cousin....

    Although that, more correctly your dad is not the "bringer of death" - he is the "bringer of nice fat juicy steak"..... :)

  2. Yes indeed, why should the li'l feller spend his last days having to be messed with and drug around to the fair? Let him smell the free air and mill around eating!
